Sample lesson 2: Evaluation of spot cards – length tricks (LT)

Spot (small) cards = 10, 9, ..., 3, 2

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Length trick (LT) – a spot (small) card 10, 9, ..., 3, 2 that can win a trick because no higher cards are left in the game.

⇒ You must have a minimum of 4 cards to win a length trick

⇒ The more cards you have in the suit, the more length tricks you can win and the higher chance you have to win them.

⇒ We expect that the suit is distributed equally among other players.

Lesson overview

Most often spot (small) cards win 3 tricks out of 13. We expect that honors win the first 3 tricks in each suit. 

We can win with a spot/small card if cards are distributed equally among other players. We can win a length trick only if we have 4+ cards in the suit. If more players have 4+ cards in the suit, we fight for the trick in the 4th round. Therefore, it is good to have middle cards (10, 9, 8) in our long suits to increase our chances.

The more cards we have, the easier it is to establish length tricks because fewer cards are distributed among other players.