You must make a plan in every deal. You will master each deal by following the step by step guide and make it automatic during the time. This way, you will become a master soon.
In every deal, you must combine several card play techniques. Start learning them from the beginning and plan each suit separately. When you gain experience, combine the methods to execute expert techniques like end plays and squeezes.
01. Cashing winners (FREE)
02. Sacrificing honors (FREE)
03. Establishing length tricks (FREE)
04. Drawing trumps
05. Ruffing
06. Ducking
07. Finessing the King
08. Finessing the Queen
09. Finnessing towards lower honors
10. Double finesses
11. Safety play
12. Cross-ruffing
13. Blocking and unblocking
14. Finessing small cards
15. Trump promotions
16. Finessing against trumps
17. Elimination and end-play
18. Escaping end play
19. Simple squeezes
20. Breaking the squeeze
21. Difficult squeezes
22. Playing on 4-3 fits
23. Expecting bad trump break
24. Reverse dummy – ruffing from longer trumps