Sample lesson 3: Cashing winners

a Winner = the highest card in the game.
Cashing winners = playing the cards that cannot be beaten.

Watch the video lesson first to learn all essential information


Both players must contribute a card to each trick.

⇒ The combined number of winners is limited to the number of cards in the player’s hand that holds more cards.

⇒ Play the high cards first from the hand that holds fewer cards in that suit – "shorter hand".

TEST your skills – make all 13 tricks

Lesson overview

Bridge is a game of tricks. The first card-play technique you must learn is cashing the high cards so you can make all the tricks that belong to you. 

Bridge is a partnership game. You have to cooperate with your partner and play your high cards smart. Players often forget that all players have to play a card in a trick and they keep their high cards for later. Then they play their winners in the same trick with their partner and lose tricks.

Top card combinations that can win 3 tricks:

A) AKQ vs 432

B) AK2 vs Q43

C) AQ2 vs K43

D) A32 vs KQ4

In all examples A-D, you must pair up a small card with a high one. Do not waste 2 high cards in one trick. It should be quite easy when you have the same amount of cards in the suit. 

Can you win all the tricks in the following combinations?

E) KQx vs. Jxx

F) QJx vs Kxx

G) J10x vs Qxx


E) If you lead from the top hand first, lead the ♠2 and win the trick with the ♠Q. Then lead the ♠3 and win with the Ace or King. The top hand leads to the 3rd trick and the ♠K is a winner. If you lead from the bottom hand first, lead the ♠Q in the first trick.

F) Lead the 2 from the top hand first and win the first trick with the A. Then play the 3 and win with the King or Queen. They have the same value because you don't miss any higher card. The last trick is a winner because you lead from the top hand.

G) Lead the K first and play the 2 in the opposite hand. Then play the 3 and win with the Ace or Queen. The bottom hand leads to the last trick and win it with the last honor.