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Milan's system – opening overview

→ (11)12-14 HCP, ~3.25 EHT, balanced, can be longer
11-19(21) HCP, 3-5.75 EHT, 7-5(4) TL, 5+ or 4441

→ (17)18-19(20) HCP, ~5.25 EHT, balanced, can be longer
11-19(21) HCP, 3-5.75 EHT, 7-5(4) TL, 5+ or any 4441

11-19 HCP, 3-5.75 EHT, 7-5(4) TL

11-19 HCP, 3-5.75 EHT, 7-5(4) TL

(14)15-17 HCP, ~4.25 EHT, can have 5-card Major, 6-card minor, or singleton honor

Any distribution
(19)20+ HCP, 6+ EHT, any (semi)balanced hand
(16)18+ HCP, ≤4 TL, (6+)7+card that set trumps opposite a singleton
→ We bid strong 55+ hands via 2-suiter openings

(6)8-11 HCP, ~2.25 EHT, 8-7 TL, 6 – "weak 6c."
~9-13 HCP, ~3 EHT, ~6 TL, 55m – "weak 55"
~18+ HCP, ~5.5+ EHT, ≤3.5 TL, 55m – "strong 55"
→ ~7+ HCP, 2+ UH, ≤6 TL, 65+ &m – "goulash 2-suiter"

(6)8-11 HCP, ~2.25 EHT, 8-7 TL, 6♠ – "weak 6c."
~9-13 HCP, ~3 EHT, ~6 TL, 5♠5m – "weak 55"
~18+ HCP, ~5.5+ EHT, ≤3.5 TL, 5♠5m – "strong 55"
→ ~7+ HCP, 2+ UH, ≤6 TL, 65+ ♠&m – "goulash 2-suiter"

~9-13 HCP, ~3 EHT, ~6 TL, 55 – "weak 55"
→ ~18+ HCP, ~5.5+ EHT, ≤3.5 TL, 55 – "strong 55"
→ ~7+ HCP, 2+ UH, ≤6 TL, 65+& – "goulash 2-suiter"

~9-13 HCP, ~3 EHT, ~6 TL, 5♠5 – "weak 55"
→ ~18+ HCP, ~5.5+ EHT, ≤3.5 TL,
5♠5– "strong 55"
→ ~7+ HCP, 2+ UH, ≤6 TL, 65+ ♠&– "goulash 2-suiter"

6-10 HCP, ~2 UH, 7-6 TL
Vulnerable with a good suit – 2+ top honors, mostly with Ace
→ Non-vulnerable can be with 6♣, but not with 33 Majors
→ 3rd seat can be wider range

6-11 HCP, ~2 UH, 7-6 TL
Vulnerable with a good suit – 2+ top honors, mostly with Ace
→ Non-vulnerable can be with 6♦, but not with 33 Majors
→ 3rd seat can be wider range

6-11 HCP, ~2 UH, 7-6 TL
Vulnerable with a good suit – 2+ top honors, mostly with Ace
→ Non-vulnerable can be with 6♥, but not with 3♠
→ 3rd seat can be wider range

6-11 HCP, ~2 UH, 7-6 TL
Vulnerable with a good suit – 2+ top honors, mostly with Ace
→ Non-vulnerable can be with 6♠, but not with 3♥
→ 3rd seat can be wider range

solid 7+card ♥/♠ – Major Gambling
6-5 TL, maximum 1 outside King (no outside Ace)

→ Preemptive with mostly goulash hand
→ 3rd seat can be wider range

→ Preemptive with mostly goulash hand
→ 3rd seat can be wider range

→ Preemptive with mostly goulash hand
→ 3rd seat can be wider range

→ Preemptive with mostly goulash hand
→ 3rd seat can be wider range

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