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Beginners bidding lessons

Follow these lessons

Lesson 1:

The opening

Lesson 2:

The response

Lesson 3:

Competitive bidding – both partnership bid

Lesson 4:

Openings – preemptive, standard, strong

Lesson 5A:

1♥/♠ opening – bidding with fit

Lesson 5B:

1♥/♠ opening – bidding without fit

Lesson 6A:

1NT opening – "Stayman convention"

Lesson 6B

1NT opening – "Transfer convention"

Lesson 7A:

1♣ opening – first responses

Lesson 7B:

1♣ opening – opener's rebids (second bid)

Lesson 7C:

1♦ opening – differences with 1♣ opening

Lesson 8A:

Preemptive openings – further bidding

Lesson 8B:

Bidding after opponents preempted

Lesson 9:

Bidding after strong 2♣

Lesson 10:

Bidding after strong 2♦

Lesson 11:

Bidding after strong 2NT

Lesson 12:

Overcalls and takeout doubles